Charlotte Curtis’s Amateur Nude Gallery Posted on May 13, 2024 by Charlotte Curtis - 23 Amateur Nude Images This is how Id greet you a(f)ter work I appear to have (f)ound myself in a tangle, can you help? Happy Friday, (f)ellow pervs I wonder i(f) I taste like strawberries... (F)irst word that comes to mind? Theres room on this couch (f)or two Can you give them a small squeeze be(f)ore bed? Really hope someone buys me some kneepads (f)or my birthday Just one thing missing (f)rom this picture... Do I have to think of a (f)un caption every time? Lets water my (f)lowers together Sundays are (f)or snuggles Can I be your (f)unny Valentine? Long distance orgasms are my (f)avourite Sunday morning, and Im (f)alling (F)eeling chilly this evening, warm me up? Out sick, help me (f)eel better? Saturday nights alright (f)or...... Happy turkey day, (f)eeling thankful for your compliments this evening I dont care i(f) Mondays blue, when Im thinking about you Tuesdays are (f)or titties Another (f)ine mess... Another wet Wenesday, (f)ancy a taste?