Tara Bridger’s Amateur Nude Gallery Posted on January 27, 2025 by Tara Bridger - 87 Amateur Nude Images Anybody (F)eeling thirsty this Thursday? Raincoat and tights? Are we (F)eeling it, or nah Lots o(F) people have asked why I don’t post as often. Truth is: I’ve gotten a lil chubby lmao Time to wash the day’s troubles o(F)f (F)ruit roll ups are a helluva drug Chill vibes (F)eaturing lighting from the PS4 loading screen Looking (F)or a way to pass the time My work schedule changed and now my sleep schedule is (F)ucked My new bras might be too little (F)ml Messy hair, can’t be bothered to (F)uss about it Here’s a pic with a (F)resh perspective An in(F)ormal hello Pls ignore my icky shower! The iron here is (F)reaking bonkers I hope you don’t mind me washing off my (F)ilth I’m still mildly (F)urious about getting a pussy in this shirt Check out my big(F)oot pants I got on vacation! Terrible pun (F)or today: would you bone me? Days at office like today really do have me contemplating being a housewi(F)e Today’s butt pic (F)eaturing my roommate’s cat Am I house sitting with my titties out knowing (F)ull well that the owners have cameras? I’ll never tell The bad news is Russia is one o(F) 5 countries with a permanent seat on the security council. The good news? This outfit is dope What’s your (F)avorite color? Does this (F)ood baby make me look fat? Lmao I think I’ll be taking o(F)f soon I may or may not be under the in(F)luence De(F)initely happy about sweater weather Would you like to (F)ill me up? It’s (F)ortunate that I had time to post Does anyone share my love (F)or cacti? Catch me getting (F)irst in Mario kart Nothing like a bit of (F)rosting to sweeten things up All (F)resh and clean ? As promised: my (F)ace covered in cum Another day on the (F)arm. I could really use a hand Would y’all like to see a pic of my (F)ace covered in cum? I hope we have the chance to get more (F)amiliar with each other I need to learn editing so(F)tware so I can hide my bruises lol Y’all won’t judge me (F)or a messy room will you? (F)eel like I need I need a cuddle buddy Who’s up (F)or a pajama party? Today is my (F)riday! 🙂 What did y’all dress up as (F)or Halloween? Had a long day. Need some relie(f) I have no clue wt(F) was up with my camera here (F)lannel blanket is best blanket Hope(F)ully im making up for my recent absence I hope you haven’t been (F)elonous (F)iling this one under: generic Embarrassing (F)act, but I couldn’t braid hair until I was 14 Una (F)otografia de mi culata Always been in(F)actuated with glow sticks ngl It’s too dangerous to go alone! (F)uck this (F)igured y’all have been so patient, I’ll treat you to a pic from my edgy phase Alright it’s o(F)f Are y’all bigger (F)ans of the sweater this way? I can’t lie. I’m really (F)eeling this bleach tie-dye sweater ❤️ It un(F)ortunate how long it’s been It’s been a (F)at minute! I’ve missed you all, though! How’s your a(F)ternoon going? How’s your a(F)ternoon going? (F)eeling like I need a nap It’s been (F)ar too long since I’ve posted! (F)orgive me, I didn’t notice the tag poking out until it was too late Is a side pro(F)ile any good? Brie(F) small rinse Brie(F) tiny rinse (F)elt like sharing a shower pic Think this rear could be (F)amous? You all seemed quite adamant that my chest ought to have (F)reedom and who am I to deny the will of the people? Pls ignore the horri(F)fic mess in the corner there ? (F)elt cute. Might be a ho on freeselfshotgirls later Might be my (F)inal post today Does my butt (F)actor into my appeal or nah? Doing some (F)an appreciation and posting some bonus pics Thanks (F)or all the early birthday wishes! My 21st birthday isn’t too (F)ar away. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited! Hope(F)ully you all had a good day! Hola, (F)riends Thinking this might be the last one be(F)ore bed One more (F)or you guys (F)elt like sharing a pic or two today (F)elt like sharing a pic or two today Here’s a similar pic but (F)rom a slightly different angle (F)elt like sharing a pic or two today (F)ollow up question: How was your day? Hope(F)ully it’s a good start (F)irst of the decade for me